

Highlands United Methodist Church is passionate about Jesus’ call to serve the poor and hurting. We believe in the inherent dignity of those who are ignored by society, and we strive to see them as Christ does—as children of God. Our prayer is that they will also see themselves as His children. At the heart of our vision is the desire to "be a place where all people are welcome and can discover, develop, and use their gifts”.  We believe that Serving Ministries is where this takes place in a very real and tangible way. Take a moment to explore these pages and see what ministries are already taking place. Say a prayer as we discern new directions and listen for God’s voice. Whether it is sharing stories over the breakfast table during Hospitality Hour, installing insulation at a Habitat for Humanity work day, equipping people for job readiness at Project ID, or helping an at-risk student with their homework, the love of Christ takes on many forms in Serving Ministries; we are always seeking to hear how God may be calling us in a new way. If you are looking for a place to share your gifts, we have room for you.

If you have any questions or would like to serve, please contact Danny Jones.
